Saturday, October 17, 2015

Etabs Structural Stiffness Modifiers

 Hi All,

When you start work on Etabs modelling, many of us might wonder how to assign stiffness modifiers properly. Therefore, I would like to advise you how to basically assign structural Stiffness Modifiers for primary  structural members in compliance with ACI318

Here is stiffness modifiers recommended by ACI 318:
  • Beams........................................0.35*Ig             
  • Columns....................................0.70*Ig              
  • Walls-Uncracked.......................0.70*Ig                  
  • Walls-Cracked...........................0.35*Ig
  • Flat Plates & Flat Slabs.............0.25*Ig            
How can we assign that into Etabs 2015 model:
  • Beams..................................I22 = I33 = 0.35
  • Columns..................................I22 = I33 = 0.70
  • Walls-Uncracked.....................f11=f22=m11=mm2=mm12 = 0.70 if modeled as shell
  • Walls-Cracked.........................f11= f22=m11=mm2=mm12 =0.35 if modeled as shell
    (Please be noted that in practical, almost all designers do not prefer to design walls for out-of-plane bending to avoid excessive longitudinal reinforcement required. In this case, use a smaller modifier say 0.1 for m11, m22 and m12 so numerical instabilities could be addressed)
  •  Flat Plates & Flat Slabs.........f11= f22= f12 = 0.25 if it is modeled as membrane or
                                                 f11=f22=f12=m11=mm22= mm12 = 0.25 if it is modeled as shell
    (please remember that for both cases fij is not important if rigid diaphragm is assigned. For slabs where bending is always in the out-of-plane direction, modifiers m11, m22 and m22  are required to model cracking behavior)
Hopefully, that will be helpful to you. Please feel free to contact if you have any further question,
Best regards,
Kenny Pham, BE.Msc, CEng

PS: Here is a link to that page for other structural documents:

Saturday, September 26, 2015

About Advanced Structural Engineering KP

I have created this page "Advanced Structural Engineering " for all our construction and structural engineers to share construction and design experience/Knowledge in Vietnam and over the world,

The contents of this page will include but not limited as follows:

  • Advanced Foundation Engineering (Pad footings, Raft footings, Pile Raft Foundation, Deep Foundation)
  • Advanced sub-structures for Water Retaining tanks, Retaining walls, Diaphragm Walls, Deep Basement Slabs
  • General Pre-stressed Superstructures
  • RC Shear Wall Design
  • PT/RC Flat Slab, Band Beams
  • RC/Composite Column Design
  • Steelworks (Steel Towers, Large Span Structures)
  • Design For Earthquake Resistance
  • Advanced Dynamic Analysis
  • Advanced Buckling Analysis
  • Advanced Finite Element Method
  • Advanced Automatic Design
  • Further Research and Develop Structural Engineering
  • Others...
Welcome all to join if you are interested
Best regards,
Kenny Pham 

PS: Here is a link to that page: